👋 I'm a Graphic Designer graduated from OCADU! 

 Currently in the process of exploring new opportunities in the field of UX 👨‍💻


Helping new immigrants apply to benefits suited for them

2024 Summer (working with AI-UX in development)

Coming soon!


Helping photographers network and learn

2024 Spring

Design a profile creation flow, and a networking platform for photographers.


Levering Accessibility on digital ordering

2023 Fall

Lever accessibility for busy individuals who order food through phone.


FPR Website Case Study

2022 Winter

Design a profile creation flow for a networking app for photographers


Daxing Airport UI design

2021 Winter

Design different layouts for three digital devices


Read more on Client projects

Here is a showcase of my past professional experiences. From freelance brand and logo design, to in-house designer work conducting product concept and design systems.

If you want to learn more about the project in detail, reach out and let's chat!

Using Format